Two Yamaha® outboard motors being serviced in a shop | Boat Engine Service in SC | Boat Engine Maintenance

Boat Engine Repair in South Carolina

At Marshall's Marine, we offer unmatched customer service when it comes to maintaining and servicing your boat's engine. Our highly-trained technicians perform a wide variety of engine services, such as changing the oil, filter, and gear oil, and checking for any leaks. Our goal is to make sure your boat engine is properly serviced so you can enjoy a safe and relaxing day on the water. Visit us today to have your boat engine serviced by our expert staff. We proudly serve our customers in Columbia, Charleston, and Greenville!
  • 20 Hour Engine Service

    1. Check the fire and compression to ensure there are no mechanical damages or ignition component failures or malfunctions.
    2. Change the engine, oil filter, and gear oil to remove any metal polishing from new engine components. Then we put new oil back into the engine and gear case.
    3. Check for any fuel and oil leaks. Also, we make sure that no adjustments are needed.
    4. Run the boat in our test lake to ensure that the engine is operating properly.
  • 100 Hour Engine Service

    1. Check the engine's fire and compression to ensure there are no mechanical damages or ignition component failures or malfunctions.
    2. Change the engine oil, oil filter, fuel filters, water separator filter, and gear oil in order to keep the engine's mechanical components lubricated properly. Then we check the fuel system to ensure that it is clean from debris or water in the fuel. We also check the gear oil for water or metal fragments and make sure the gears lubricated properly.  
    3. Check for any fuel or oil leaks and make sure no necessary adjustments that need to be made.
    4. Run the boat in our test lake to ensure that the engine is operating properly. 
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